Attempt #1 didn't turn out very well. I used half jojoba oil and half sweet almond oil and it was very oily and the consistency was off. The recipe below is attempt #2, which I really liked. It had a nice thick consistency and left my face really smooth and moisturized.
2 Tbsp. oats
2 tsp. brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp. aloe
1 1/2 tsp. raw honey
1 tsp. lemon juice
food processor or blender
Finely grind the oats in the food processor or blender. Mix all ingredients together so you have a paste. Massage into skin and rinse.
apple cider vinegar
green tea (I used pomegranate green tea)
Steep tea in a cup of water. Cool. Mix tea and apple cider vinegar. I used 1/4 c. vinegar and 1 cup tea because I have dry sensitive skin. From what I understand, you can use more vinegar for normal or oily skin.
I chilled the tea bags and put them on my eyes for about 5 minutes while I had the mask on. Maybe it was my imagination or wishful thinking but my dark circles seemed a little less dark.
ripe avocado
1/8 c. honey
Puree avocado and honey until smooth and creamy. Apply to face and let sit for 10 - 15 minutes. Rinse off. This made an insane amount of the mask - probably enough for 4 or 5 masks - but I'm not sure how long it stays good.
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